Teilnehmer-Profil bearbeiten

This training will inform you about how you can ensure data security in your daily practice as an employee.

To successfully complete this training, you have to answer 3 out of 4 questions correctly in each unit (except for the introduction). The questions always refer to content that has been dealt with in the respective teaching video. Please follow the instructions of the training videos carefully - notes can be helpful to answer the questions correctly. If you are in a room with several people, we recommend to use headphones during the training to not disturb your colleagues.

After passing the training successfully, you will receive a confirmation email from your instructor with a link to your personal certificate.

We wish you success!

Modul 1 Introduction
Einheit 1 Introduction
Modul 2 Data Security Basics
Einheit 1 General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR
Einheit 2 Data Security for Daily Practice
Einheit 3 Protection of Employee Data
Einheit 4 Handling of Data Security Inquiries
Einheit 5 Data Breach
Modul 3 Commitment to Confidentiality
Einheit 1 Commitment to Confidentiality
Modul 4 Data Security Documents
Einheit 1 Data Security Documents
Einheit 2 Questions & Suggestions